the chair for BioMolecular Optics at the University of Munich.
As a member of the Fakultät für Physik we are concerned with
fundamental problems of physical nature in the fields of biology
and chemistry. Our emphasis lies in the theoretical and experimental
biophysics, the physics of molecules and in ultrafast spectroscopy.
You can find more information by using the navigation bar to the left
or directly on the pages of our professors and senior scientists:
Photoaddition of a Psoralen to DNA, September 2019
Together with a team of chemists of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf of the group of
Prof. Peter Gilch scientists of the BMO (Julia Gontcharov and Wolfgang Zinth) arrived in resolving the mechanism of the
socalled PUVA (Psoral UV-A) therapy which is used in the treatment of various skin deseases and also for specific
skin cancer. With these new outcome psoral-molecules can be well adapted for an efficient therapy. The results
have been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. This work was funded by CIPSM and MAP.
Fluorescence Properties of anle138b, January 2018
The fluorescence properties of anle138b and other DPP compounds have been characterized by time-resolved and stationary
techniques. anle138b is known to interact with fibrillar structures playing an important part in amyloid-related diseases
such as Parkinson and Alzheimer. The paper presents a detailed model of the fluorescence characteristics in different
surroundings and in fibrillar structures. A copy of the paper appearing in BBA can be obtained until March 21, 2018
at: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1WU0x15Dr~OAwF
Metallo-Enzymes, January 2018
Scientists from the BMO (W. Zinth, M.S. Rampp, B. März, S.M. Hofmann) could decipher in an international collaboration
the key principles behind the reactions in metallo-enzymes. Together with scientists from the TH Aachen (Prof. Herres-Pawlis)
and the University of Hamburg they determined the reaction principles by time
resolved IR and X-ray spectroscopy. This work was supported by the SFB749 and the Clusters of Excellence CIPSM and MAP.
The results are published in Nature Chemistry.
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Santa Fe, 2016
Bastian Baudisch from the Riedle-Lab was awarded the Spectra Physics award in recognition of his excellent poster
contribution "On the Edge: Characterizing Broadband Dielectric Mirrors from UV to NIR Using a Pump-Probe Technique", jointly
authored with Florian Habel, Vladimir Pervak, Eberhard Riedle
Dr Dominik Bucher is awarded the Albert-Weller-Preis 2016
Dr. Dominik Bucher, who received his doctoral thesis at BMO in 2015 entitled "Femtosecond Vibrational Spectroscopy -
Influence of Base Stacking and Base Pairing on the Excited State Deactivation of DNA", obtained the Albert-Weller-Preis 2016.
This price is awarded by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft for an outstanding
doctoral thesis.
Special Issue of Journal ChemPhysChem
On May 4th, on the occasion of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Zinth's 65th birthday, a
special issue
of ChemPhysChem entitled "Fast Spectroscopy of Biosystems" was published.
Symposium BioMolecular Spectroscopy
On Friday, March 4th the Symposium on BioMolecular Spectroscopy takes place at Oettingenstraße 67,
room B001. Further informations can be found here.
October 2015
Members of the Chair of Biomolecular Optics (BMO) of the University of Munich, from the Center of Neuro-pathology
and Prion-Research of the University of Munich (Prof. Giese), from the Max-Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
in Goettingen and from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) investigated an new active ingredient
which could serve as a prototype for the development of drugs against Alzheimer and other encephalic diseases.
Read more (article).
April 2015
Researchers of the Huber-Lab from the Chair of Biomolecular Optics (BMO) of the University of Munich and from the
Institute of Biomedical Optics of the University of Lübeck developed a new approach to stimulated Raman imaging.
The results of this new TICO-Raman system have now been published in the multi-disciplinary journal Nature Communications.
September 2014
The publication "High definition live 3D-OCT in vivo: design and evaluation of a 4D OCT engine with 1 GVoxel/s"
by Wolfgang Wieser
from the group of Prof. Robert Huber
was highlighted as Spotlight article by the Optical
Society of America (OSA). Fastest 3D-OCT with real-time, volumetric display enables interactive OCT for
future applications like e.g. surgical microscopes. More
April 2014
The groups of Prof. Zinth and Prof. Carell (LMU Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)
found a new deactivation mechanism of photoexcited DNA. The UV radiation leads to
reactive DNA species, which may create lesions which have not been connected to UV light
absorption so far. press release
October 2013
Professor Dr. Robert Huber receives Klung-Wilhelmy-Weberbank-Award 2013.
Robert Huber is honoured for the invention of the Fourier Domain Mode-locked
Laser (FDML), "because his work has been able to bridge the gap between
fundamental physics and laser applications in medical imaging". The
is one of the most valuable, privately funded awards for German researchers.
September 2013
Professor Dr. Robert Huber takes up a professorship at the
institute for biomedical optics
at the university of Lübeck.
June 2013
Christoph Eigenwillig in the research group of Robert Huber has demonstrated
the optical compression of light from a stationary, wavelength tunable laser
to picoseconds pulses for the first time. In a collaboration with the laser
theory group of Christian Jirauschek from the Technical University of
Munich, an experimental setup has been realized, which passively compresses
the output from a Fourier Domain Mode Locked (FDML) laser in time.
May 2013
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Zinth was awarded the TRVS Award 2013 of the
International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy
for pioneering development of time-resolved techniques and their employment for the resolution of
biophysical processes. Previous recipients of the TRVS award among others are Professor Dr. Andreas Albrecht,
Professor Dr. Robin Hochstrasser and Professor Dr. Mostafa El Sayed.
On Friday, 29th of June a symposia with the title
"BioMolekulare und medizinische Optik: Schnellste Vorgänge in Biologie und Chemie bis hin zur medizinischen Bildgebung"
will be organized by the chair for BioMolecular Optics.
February 2012 - Professor Dr. Wolfgang Zinth was appointed as a full member to the Bavarian Academy of Science.
Dr. Robert Huber has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Robert Huber will receive research funding
in the amount of 1.2 million Euros over the next five years. ERC Starting Grants are specifically designed to
fund the work of outstandingly creative researchers in the early phases of their careers.
The publication "Multi-Megahertz OCT: High
quality 3D imaging at 20 million A-scans and 4.5 GVoxels per second" by Wolfgang Wieser from the group of Dr. Robert
Huber was highlighted as Spotlight Article
from the Optical Society of America (OSA).
The program package FC-Lab II for the efficient calculation of multidimensional
Franck-Condon factors has been developed by Dr. Igor Pugliesi and Dr. Christian Schriever and is available for users.
Dr. Robert Huber is awarded the Rudolf-Kaiser-Preis
2008 for his work on optical coherence tomography and Fourier domain mode locked lasers.