Publications: | | "Time-resolved infrared studies of the unfolding of a light triggered β-hairpin peptide" M.S. Rampp, S.M. Hofmann, T. Podewin, A. Hoffmann-Röder, L. Moroder, W. Zinth
ChemPhys512(2018)116-121 details
"Transferring the entatic-state principle to copper photochemistry" B. Dicke, A. Hoffmann, J. Stanek, M. S. Rampp, B. Grimm-Lebsanft, F. Biebl, D. Rukser, B. Maerz, D. Göries, M. Naumova, M. Biednov, G. Neuber, A. Wetzel, S. M. Hofmann, P. Roedig, A. Meents, J. Bielecki, J. Andreasson, K. Beyerlein, H. N. Chapman, C. Bressler, W. Zinth, M. Rübhausen, S. Herres-Pawlis
Nature Chemistry10 (2018) 355-362 details