
LMU München
Fakultät für Physik



(c) 2002 BMO

"Visualization of transient absorption dynamics - towards a qualitative view of complex reaction kinetics"
H. Satzger, W. Zinth
Chem. Phys. 295 (2003) 287-295

Photochemical reactions may involve complex reaction schemes and their investigation requires spectroscopic techniques extending over a broad spectral range and over several orders of magnitude in time. Two commonly used numerical procedures to evaluate such data sets - global fitting and singular value decomposition - are discussed and a method for the qualitative visualization is proposed: Differentiation of the transient spectra on a logarithmic scale allows to extract special kinetic components and to obtain reasonable starting information for subsequent fitting procedures. The proposed method should be well adapted to situations where e. g. due to unstable samples the data can not be recorded at the precision required for unambiguous analysis by standard data handling procedures. The method is applied to synthetic data sets as well as to experimental data taken from femtosecond absorption experiments on the laser dye DCM in DMSO.

BMO authors (in alphabetic order):
Helmut Satzger
Wolfgang Zinth

Assoziierte Projekte:
Photoswitchable model peptides and their conformational dynamics
Peptide and protein folding
Femtosekunden Untersuchung ultraschneller molekularer Schalter

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