"Ultrafast Changes of Molecular Crystal Structure Induced by Dipole Solvation" M. Braun, C. v. Korff Schmising, M. Kiel, N. Zhavoronkov, J. Dreyer, M. Bargheer, T. Elsaesser, C. Root, T. E. Schrader, P. Gilch, W. Zinth, and M. Woerner
Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 248301
Abstract: Femtosecond photoexcitation of organic chromophores in a molecular crystal induces strong changes of the electronic dipole moment via intramolecular charge transfer as is evident from transient vibrational spectra. The structural response of the crystal to the dipole change is mapped directly for the first time by ultrafast x-ray diffraction or diffuse scattering. Changes of diffracted and transmitted x-ray intensity demonstrate an angular rearrangement of molecules around excited dipoles following the 10 ps kinetics of charge transfer and leaving lattice plane spacings unchanged. Transient x-ray scattering is governed by solvation, masking changes of the chromophore molecular structure.
BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Markus Braun Peter Gilch Christopher Root Tobias Schrader Wolfgang Zinth
Assoziierte Projekte: Time Resolved Structure Analysis