"Overview of Photoinjector R&D in the EUROFEL Collaboration" H. Duerr, F. Marhauser, D. Garzella, G. Petite, H. Monard, U. Schmidhammer, C. Boulware, F Stephan, J. Feldhaus, U. Krell, M. B. Danailov, R. Ivanov, M. Quattromini, C. Ronsivalle, M. Ferrario, L. Palumbo, G. Klemz, I. Will, D. J. Holder, B. Muratori, W. F. O. Muller, M. Migliorati
International Committee for Future Accelerators Beam Dynamics Newsletter 46, 58-72 (2008)
no abstract available
This publication has not been written at BMO
BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Uli Schmidhammer