"Generation of Narrowband Ultrashort Pulses Tunable in the mid-IR and the Application to Vibrational Energy Transfer in a Modified Amino Acid" K. Haiser, F.O. Koller, M. Huber, T.E. Schrader, N. Regner, W.J. Schreier, W. Zinth
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Springer Series in Chem. Physics 92, Eds. P. Corkum, S. De Silvestri, K.A. Nelson, E. Riedle und R.W. Schoenlein, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2009) 325-327
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BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Karin Haiser Florian Koller Nadja Regner Tobias Schrader Wolfgang Schreier Wolfgang Zinth
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