"Generation of 30 fs-pulses tunable from 189 to 240 nm with an all-solid-state setup" C. Homann, P. Lang, and E. Riedle
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 2765-2769 (2012).
Abstract: Fully tunable deep UV pulses of 30 fs duration are generated in an all-solid-state scheme from 200 fs long pump pulses of a Ti:sapphire amplifier. The tunability comes from a noncollinear optical parametric amplifier with tailored spectral width. The output pulses are frequency doubled in a 50 µm BBO crystal and subsequently mixed in a 32 µm BBO crystal with part of the Ti:sapphire output. The compression is solely performed in the visible. This makes the setup extremely simple and efficient. Less than 400 µJ pump energy suffice to obtain sub-µJ deep UV pulses. The strategy for the bandwidth and chirp management is explained in detail.
BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Christian Homann Peter Lang Eberhard Riedle
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