Recent Publications: | | "Femtosekundenspektroskopie an Farbstofflösungen: Dynamischer Stokes Shift, Elektrontransfer und Wellenpaketbewegungen." Erik Baigar
Doktorarbeit am LS für BioMolekulare Optik, LMU München details
"Convenient tunability of sub-10 fs-pulses in the visible range" E. Baigar, M. Braun, A. Peine, V. Konjaev, W. Zinth
Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer Series in Chem Physics 71, Eds. R.D. Miller, M.M. Murnane, N.F. Scherer, A.M. Weiner, Springer-Verlag Berlin (2002) 152-154 details
"How Fast is the Ultrafast Electron Transfer in
Solute-Solvent Systems?" P. Gilch, E. Baigar,W. Zinth, M. Stoeckl, P. Haerter, T. von Feilitzsch and M.E. Michel-Beyerle
Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer Series in Chem. Physics 71, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, Eds. R.D. Miller, M.M. Murnane, N.F. Scherer, A.M. Weiner, Springer, Berlin (2002) 437-440 details
"Ultrafast intramolecular electron transfer from a ferrocence donor moiety to a nile blue acceptor" E. Baigar, P. Gilch, W. Zinth, M. Stöckl, P. Härter, T. v. Feilitzsch, M.-E. Michel-Beyerle
Chem. Phys. Lett. 352 (2002) 176-184 details
"Femtosecond wavepacket motion and fastest electron transfer reaction
" P. Gilch, E. Baigar, H. Pulvermacher, W. Zinth
Proceedings of the XII UPS Conference Eds. S. Califano, P. Foggi and R. Righini, Florence (2001) 145-154 details
"Spectral Interference Causing Noise in Spectrally Resolved Ultrafast Pump-Probe-Experiments." E. Baigar, A. Peine and W. Zinth
OSA TOPS Vol 49 (2001) Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, Eds. Y.-K. Chen, W. Knox, M. Rodwell 156-160 details
"Imaging within highly scattering media using time-resolved backscattering of femtosecond pulses" E. Baigar, C. Hauger, W. Zinth
Appl. Phys. B 67(1998) 257-261 details
"Induced backscattering due to reflecting surfaces in higly scattering media" C. Hauger, E. Baigar, W. Zinth
Optics Communications 133 (1997) 72 details
"Time-resolved backscattering of femtosecond pulses from scattering media - an experimental and numerical investigation" C. Hauger, E. Baigar, T. Wilhelm, W. Zinth
Opt. Comm. 131 (1996) 351-358 details
"Femtosekunden-Rückstreutomographie an Haut" C. Hauger, E. Baigar, T. Wilhelm, W. Zinth
Laser in der Medizin, Springer-Verlag (1996) 580 - 582 details
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