"Femtosecond time-resolved backscattering from strongly scattering media" C. Hauger, T. Wilhelm, E. Baigar, W. Zinth
Progress in Biomedical Optics, Europt Series, SPIE 2326 (1995) 49-55
Abstract: Time-resolved backscattering from randomly scattering media is studiedexperimentally with the aim of human skin diagnosis. The experimental setup consistsof a self-modelocked Ti:sapphire laser and a light gating technique based onsum-frequency generation. Aqueous solutions of latex microspheres where used asscattering medium. The experimentally determined temporal profiles of the recordedbackscattered photons significantly depend on the specific conditions of the wholeoptical system. A systematic variation of the optical parameters was performed and anoptimum arrangement was determined. In a first set of experiments, relatively weakconcentrations of the scatterers were investigated and scattering lengths weredetermined. In a second series of experiments two-layered samples of latexsuspensions with scattering properties similar to human skin were studied. Underthese scattering conditions penetration depths of more than 1mm could be obtained.
BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Erik Baigar Thomas Wilhelm Wolfgang Zinth