"Femtosecond continuum generation in bulk laser host materials with sub-µJ pump pulses" M. Bradler, P. Baum, E. Riedle
Appl. Phys. B 97, 561 - 574 (2009)
Abstract: We report a comprehensive investigation of femtosecond continuum generation in single crystals of several common laser host materials. The absolute spectral energy density, pulse-to-pulse stability, pump threshold and beam profile are studied in dependence on the focusing conditions, crystal thickness, pump pulse energy and pump wavelength (775-1600 nm). Con-tinuum generation is shown at repetition rates of up to 80 MHz and for pump pulse durations of up to 350 fs. Thresholds below 50 nJ, plateau-like visible and infrared spectra and higher infra-red photon flux as compared to conventional materials like sapphire are found in yttrium alu-minum garnet (YAG), yttrium vanadate (YVO4), gadolinium vanadate (GdVO4) and potas-sium-gadolinium tungstate (KGW). We discuss the particular advantages of these materials for application in parametric amplification, femtosecond spectroscopy and carrier-envelope phase stabilization.
BMO authors (in alphabetic order): Peter Baum Maximilian Bradler Eberhard Riedle
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